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Martina Mcbride & 兩首歌曲介紹

2012-04-23 08:39 8876 0 發表評論

I’m Gonna Love You Through It

-2012 入圍 Grammy Awards 「Best Country Solo Performance」




You know people love you in your life, but you don’t know how much until you get sick.



She dropped the phone and burst into tears
The doctor just confirmed her fears
Her husband held it in and held her tight
Cancer don’t discriminate or care if you’re just 38
With three kids who need you in their lives
He said, “I know that you’re afraid and I am, too
But you’ll never be alone, I promise you"

When you’re weak, I’ll be strong
When you let go, I’ll hold on
When you need to cry, I swear that I’ll be there to dry your eyes
When you feel lost and scared to death,
Like you can’t take one more step
Just take my hand, together we can do it
I’m gonna love you through it.

She made it through the surgery fine
They said they caught it just in time
But they had to take more than they planned
Now it’s forced smiles and baggy shirts
To hide what the cancer took from her
But she just wants to feel like a woman again
She said, “I don’t think I can do this anymore"
He took her in his arms and said “That’s what my love is for"

When you’re weak, I’ll be strong
When you let go, I’ll hold on
When you need to cry, I swear that I’ll be there to dry your eyes
When you feel lost and scared to death,
Like you can’t take one more step
Just take my hand, together we can do it
I’m gonna love you through it.

And when this road gets too long
I’ll be the rock you lean on
Just take my hand, together we can do it
I’m gonna love you through it.
I’m gonna love you through it.


● 99年國人主要死因之首仍是 惡性腫瘤
● 前十大主要癌症順位分別為:(1)肺癌 (2)肝癌 (3)結腸直腸癌 (4)女性乳房癌 (5)口腔癌 (6)胃癌 (7)攝護腺癌 (8)食道癌 (9)胰臟癌 (10)子宮頸癌
● 有四種癌症被稱為「寂靜的殺手」─卵巢癌、肺癌、胃癌及胰臟癌。它們共同的特色是幾乎沒有症狀,待發現時早已錯失治療的時機。

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